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Showing posts from December, 2018

How Do We Know What We Know?

“To admit uncertainty is to admit to weakness, to powerlessness, and to believe in yourself despite both. It is a frailty, but in this frailty there is a strength: the conviction to live in your own mind, and not in someone else’s.” ― Tara Westover, Educated: A Memoir   Recently, I read Educated by Tara Westover. I highly recommend it, if you haven't yet had a chance to read it. She writes about being raised in Idaho by her conservative Mormon parents, and then going on to attend college and study abroad at Cambridge. She didn't attend school until she was accepted to BYU. She didn't know about the Holocaust until her first year of college, and had no context for much of what she encountered when she embarked on her fellowship at Cambridge. Tara Westover is about two months older than I am. Her life was unimaginably different from mine. Where I grew up in the suburbs of Denver, raised by a family that valued education and access to a varie